Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday, be gentle.

Good morning friends!
I hope that everyone had a fantastic weekend. Mine was decent and pretty busy. I'm going to do a simple little break down of it.
Friday- I my lovely bff came over and we had a wonderful talk. It has been ages since we last hung out and it was so refreshing. After our talk, I spent most of the day on the phone with Paypal and the bank. About this- Some hacker made fraudulent charges on my Paypal three time! Seriously?! Anyway, I didn't have all that money in my Paypal account so it withdrew from my bank-where I didn't have all the money either. So, I ended up over drafting. That is why I fought tooth and nail with Paypal about linking up my bank account! But they swore that if I wanted to receive money for my goods I had to link up my bank account. I knew that this would happen. I'm pretty liberal about technology the internet, but for some odd reason I just didn't feel right about this. And my vibes were right. So, I made a claim, they said I was right, and it should have all been peaches and cream right? WRONG! The bank charged me return check fees, what the heck?! Not my fault! So I fought with them and when straight up to management, I was told that i would get my money back, but not until today. Grrr! Then, I find out Friday, that Paypal still ended up taking the money out. Really?! So my bank account is more wimpy than it was. Paypal said that since the funds weren't in there to begin with they would get three tries to pull it out from the bank. Umm...cancel it. Its my money!!! There was no way for them to cancel the transaction apparently. Basically, everyone is covering their backsides but mine!!!  Thanks Paypal for being a jerk!

The good thing about Friday is that I didn't have to work! Woot! Although, I should have because I obviously need the money, but after fighting with paypal and the bank all day I just wasn't feeling it. Oh and I must show you this amazing dress I wore Friday. Its definitely one of my favorites!
 I just adore the hearts and floral. Its so fun!

Saturday, I ended up lounging around all day. I worked on a craft for a special friend and then I took a nap with the hubs. Good thing because I got to go into work. I wasn't expecting it because there was nothing going on and the floor didn't have any patients, but they had a threat of a patient coming in. Which she did come in and she was contracting, but she was still only 2cm dilated and her water was still intact. So she basically just spent the night. Even though there wasn't much we could do for her because she wanted to go naturally. Oh but I need to show you what I made for my BFF because her last day was yesterday and we had a surprise good bye party.

 A message from Antoine Dodson.

And a lovely collage of memories! 

Sunday, I feel like it just passed by without as much as a hello. I hate when my days off just speed right by! I did, however, manage to tackle Evangelina's disaster of a room and get it all organized! We'll see how long it stays that way!

Today, I work at 3pm. I hope that its gentle to me because the last few weeks on the birthing floor have been chaos! Mainly, why I like to work midnights. I can go in do my job without anyone breathing down my neck. This week is definitely going to be a long one. I work 36hours this week and none of them midnights, eek! 

What are your plans this week?!

Have a beautiful day, friends!
Much love,


Janie said...

Oh my! I may want to unlink my accounts because I always hated that too. We had someone recently take a receipt out of the trash in Afghanistan and decide to use my husband's card to get a Coach purse. Coach wouldn't even release any information about the purchase unless we got a subpoena! So we will never know who took the card and used it. If it was a Afghani native or a soldier!

Megan said...

Boo on Paypal!!! That is so lame!! I have never had a problem with them *knock on wood* and I thought they were more professional than that!!
I hope it all work out soon + you get your money back today!!!
I love you doll!!

Erika said...

Sorry to hear about your troubles, hope it works out and you get a refund or something :/ Also, that is a really nice, sweet collage :D

Michelle said...

Aw I'm sorry! I hope it all works out!! Sending positive thoughts your way!

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

sounds pretty stressful hun! Paypal is a jerk! I hope this week is much better!
I do love that dress though! The pattern is precious! Take care girl!

Nikki Mortham said...

People that handle money can be brutal. I've cried at the bank about overdraft fees and they are like stone. Sorry you had such bad luck! :(

sabrina said...

Oh man, how frustrating! I hope it all gets worked out soon, or there will be hell to pay! ;)

Chrissy said...

Oh my gosh, that really sucks with paypal! I really hope you get all the money back!! Why are people so cruel!?I have missed you around here all weekend!! Thought you might be at work! And now I am home and you are at work...hope to chat soon!
Hugs xxx

Gwiddle said...

I'm sorry about all the drama with paypal! I was so scared this would happen to me when I opened my etsy shop. Thankfully it hasn't thus far. {knock on wood} That dress is really cute:) & I love your hair color, so beautiful!! That collage you made for your friend is hilarious!! and are those embryo cookies?? I hope this week is better for you! I miss you girl!

jenny said...

Ahhhh yessss Antoine Dodson! You rule.

Thanks for the tips about Cali! We're thiiiinking about SF right now but I'm definitely interested in SD as well!

PS Your blog is adorbs! <3

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